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Sum of times cited: Google Scholar 2172

Average citations per item: Google Scholar 52.97
Quantified scientific research output (h-index): Google Scholar 22

(updated 05/08/2024)


Peer-reviewed journals (N=43)


2025 (1)


43. Protected areas do not outperform urban wastelands in supporting insect pollinators and pollination in central Germany

Basic and Applied Ecology (2025), 84, 29-39

Theodorou P, Osterman W.H.A, Mrozek J.H., Wild B.S., Beckmann M., Osterman J., Paxton R. Full text

2024 (2)


42. Organic agriculture and annual flower strips reduce parasite prevalence in honey bees and boost colony growth in agricultural landscapes

Journal of Applied Ecology (2024), 61, 2146–2156 

Pluta P, Czechofsky K, Hass A, Frank L, Westerhoff A, Klingenberg H, Theodorou P, Westphal C, Paxton R. Full text 

41. How seasonality, semi-natural habitat cover and compositional landscape heterogeneity affect pollen collection and development of Apis mellifera colonies in Mediterranean agro-sylvo-pastoral systems

Landscape Ecology (2024), 39, 26

Satta A, Lezzeri M, Brundu G, Floris I, Palmieri N, Pantaleoni A, Theodorou P*, Pusceddu M. Full text 

*Corresponding author

2023 (6)

40. Global taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of bees in apple orchards 

Science of the Total Environment  (2023), 901

Leclercq, N,........Theodorou P,.......Vereecken, N.J. Full text 

39. Mason bees and honey bees synergistically enhance fruit set in sweet cherry orchards

Ecology and Evolution (2023),13, e10289

Julia Osterman, Frances Benton, Sara Hellström, Meike Luderer-Pflimpfl, Ann-Kathrin Pöpel-Eisenbrandt, Bilyana Stoykova Wild, Panagiotis Theodorou, Christin Ulbricht, Robert J. Paxton Full text 


38. Trouble in the tropics: pathogen spillover is a threat for native stingless bees

Biological Conservation (2023), 284, 110150

Fleites Ayil, F. A.; Medina M., Luis A.; Quezada-Euán, J.; Stolle, E.; Theodorou, P.; Tragust, S.; Paxton, R. Full text 


37. When lizards shift to a more plant-based lifestyle: The macroevolution of mutualistic lizard-plant-interactions (Squamata: Sauria/Lacertilia)

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2023), 186

Kahnt B., Theodorou P., Grimm-Seyfarth A.and Onstein R. Full text 

36. The effects of urbanisation on pollinators and pollination: A meta-analysis

Ecology Letters (2023), 00, 1– 14

Liang, H.; He, Y.; Theodorou, P.* & Yang, C. Full text 

*Corresponding author

35. The degree of urbanisation reduces wild bee and butterfly diversity and alters the patterns of flower‑visitation in urban dry grasslands

Scientific Reports (2023), 13, 2702

Herrmann, J., Buchholz, S. & Theodorou, P. Full text 

2022 (6)

34. Bumble bee colony health and performance vary widely across the urban ecosystem

Journal of Animal Ecology (2022)

Theodorou P., Kühn O., Baltz L.M., Wild C., Rasti S.R., Bucksch C., Strohm E., Paxton R., Kurze C. Full text 

33. Anthropogenic effects on the body size of two Neotropical orchid bees

BMC Ecology and Evolution (2022)

Garlin J., Theodorou P., Kathe E., Quezada-Euan J., Paxton R.J., Soro A. Full text 

32. How much does a drop of sugar solution benefit a hatchling of Chrysoperla pallida (Neuroptera Chrysopidae)?

Biological Control (2022), 104963

Pantaleoni R, Pusceddu M, Tauber C, Theodorou P, Loru L Full text 


31. The effects of urbanisation on ecological interactions

Current Opinion in Insect Science (2022), 100922

Thedorou P. Full text 

30. Crop pesticide impacts reproductive male quality signals leading to reduction of mating in wild solitary bees

Journal of Applied Ecology (2022), 0 (1– 12)

S. Boff, T. Conrad, J. Raizer, M. Wehrhahn, M. Bayer, A. Friedel, P. Theodorou, T. Schmitt, D. Lupi. Full text 

29. Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover

Science (2022), 375:1275-1281

James S. Santangelo,Robert W. Ness, Beata Cohan, Connor R. Fitzpatrick, Simon G. Innes, Sophie Koch, Lindsay S. Miles, Samreen Munim, Pedro Peres-Neto, Cindy Prashad, Alex T. Tong,..............., Panagiotis Theodorou,......., Marc T.J. Johnson. Full text 

2021 (7)

28. An integrative environmental pollen diversity assessment and its importance for the Sustainable Development Goals

Plants, People, Planet (2021), 1-12

T. Hornick, M. Bastl, S. Bohlmann,......., I. Steffan-Dewenter, Theodorou Panagiotis, R. Treudler, B. Werchan, M. Werchan, R. Wolke, S. Dunker. Full text 

27. Honey bees increase social distancing when facing the ectoparasite Varroa destructor

Science Advances (2021), 7(44)

Pusceddu Michelina, Cini Alessandro, Alberti Simona, Salaris Emanuele, Theodorou Panagiotis, Floris Ignazio, Satta Alberto. Full text

26. A brief history and popularity of methods and tools used to estimate micro-evolutionary forces

Ecology and Evolution (2021), 00:1-21

Jonathan Kidner, Panagiotis Theodorou, Jan O. Engler, Martin Taubert, Martin Husemann. Full text


25. Apple pollination is ensured by wild bees when honey bees are drawn away from orchards by a mass co-flowering crop, oilseed rape

Agricutlure Ecosystem and the Environment (2021), 315:107383

Julia Osterman, Panagiotis Theodorou, Rita Radzevičiūtė, Pascal Schnitker, Robert Paxton. Full text

24. Urbanisation is associated with shifts in bumblebee body size with cascading effects on pollination

Evolutionary Applications (2021), 14: 53– 68

Panagiotis Theodorou, Lucie Baltz , Robert J. Paxton, Antonella Soro. Full text

23. Plant-pollinator networks in savannas of Burkina Faso, West Africa

Diversity (2021), 13(1)

Katharina Stein, Drissa Coulibaly, Larba Hubert Balima, DethardtGötze, Karl Eduard Linsenmair, Stefan Porembski, Kathrin Stenchly, Panagiotis Theodorou. Full text

22. A two-part modelling approach reveals a positive effect of pollinator biodiversity in boosting the pollination of apple flowers

Agricutlure Ecosystems and the Environment (2021), 306, 107197

Rita Radzevičiūtė, Panagiotis Theodorou*, Martin Schlegel, Robert J. Paxton.Full text

*corresponding author

2020 (5)

​​​21. Urban fragmentation leads to lower floral diversity, with knock-on impacts on bee biodiversity

Scientific Reports (2020), 10, 21756

Panagiotis Theodorou, Sarah Herbst, Belinda Kahnt, Patricia Landaverde-González, Lucie Baltz, Julia Osterman, Robert Paxton.Full text


​​20. Disentangling the effects of local resources, landscape and climatic seasonality on bee biodiversity and plant-pollinator networks in tropical highlands

Oecologia (2020), 194, 333-344

Escobedo-Kenefic Natalia, Landaverde-González Patricia, Panagiotis Theodorou*, Cardona Edson, Dardon María José, Martínez Oscar, López, Jessica, Domínguez César. Full text

*corresponding author

19. Urban areas as hotspots for bees and pollination but not a panacea for all insects

Nature Communications (2020), 11(1), 1-13

Panagiotis Theodorou, Rita Radzevičiūte, Guillaume Lentendu, Belinda Kahnt, Martin Husemann, Christoph Bleidorn, Josef Settele, Oliver Schweiger, Ivo Grosse, Tesfaye Wubet, Tomás E. Murray, Robert J. Paxton. Full text

18. Population genetics of the European rabbit along a rural-to-urban gradient

Scientific Reports (2020), 10, 2448

Madlen Ziege, Panagiotis Theodorou, Hannah Jüngling, Stefan Merker, Martin Plath, Bruno Streit, and Hannes Lerp. Full text

17. Propolis consumption reduces Nosema ceranae infection of European honey bees (Apis mellifera)

Insects (2020), 11(2), 124

Alessandra Mura, Michelina Pusceddu, Panagiotis Theodorou, Alberto Angioni, Ignazio Floris, Robert Paxton, Alberto Satta. Full text

2019 (4)

16. Should I stay or should I go? Pollinator shifts rather than cospeciation dominate the evolutionary history of South African Rediviva bees and their Diascia host plants

Molecular Ecology (2019), 28:4118– 4133

Belinda Kahnt, Wesley N. Hattingh, Panagiotis Theodorou, Nicolas Wieseke, Kelsey L. Glennon, Timo van der Niet, Robert Paxton, Glynis V. Goodman-Cron. Full text

15. The two prevalent genotypes of an emerging infectious disease,Deformed wing virus, cause equally low pupal mortality and equally high wing deformities in host honey bees

Viruses (2019), 11(2)

Anja Tehel, Quynh Vu, Diane Bigot, Andreas Gogol-Döring, Peter Koch, Christina Jenkins, Vincent Doublet, Panagiotis Theodorou, Robert Paxton. Full text

14. A roadmap for urban evolutionary ecology

Evolutionary Applications (2019), 12:384-398

L. Ruth Rivkin, James S. Santangelo, Marina Alberti, Myla F. J. Aronson, Charlotte W. de Keyzer , Sarah E. Diamond, Marie-Josée Fortin, Lauren J. Frazee, Amanda J. Gorton, Andrew P. Hendry, Yang Liu, Jonathan Losos, J. Scott MacIvor, Ryan A. Martin, Mark McDonnell, Lindsay S. Miles, Jason Munshi-South, Robert Ness, Amy Newman, Mason Stothart, Panagiotis Theodorou, Ken A. Thompson, Brian C. Verrelli, Andrew Whitehead, Kristin M. Winchell, Marc T. J. Johnson Full text

13. Resin foraging dynamics in Varroa destructor infested hives. A case of medication of kin?  

Insect Science (2019), 26, 297-310

M. Pusceddu, G. Piluzza, Panagiotis Theodorou, F. Buffa, L. Ruiu, S. Bullitta, I. Floris, A. Satta. Full text

2018 (4)

​​​12. Small and genetically highly structured populations in a long-legged bee, Rediviva longimanus, as inferred by pooled RAD-seq

BMC Evolutionary Biology (2018), 8:196

Belinda Kahnt, Panagiotis Theodorou, Antonella Soro, Hilke Hollens, Michael Kuhlmann, Anton Pauw, Robert J. Paxton. Full text

11. The effects of raw propolis on Varroa-infested honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers

Parasitology Research (2018), 117, 3527-3535.

Michelina Pusceddu; Ignazio Floris; Alessandra Mura; Panagiotis Theodorou; Giorgia Cirotto; Giovanna Piluzza; Simonetta Bullitta; Angioni Alberto; Alberto Satta. Full text

10. Genome-wide SNP scan suggests adaptation to urbanization in an important pollinator, the red-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius  L.)

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2018), 285, 20172806.

Panagiotis Theodorou, Rita Radzevičiūte, Belinda Kahnt, Antonella Soro, Ivo Grosse, Robert J. Paxton. Author URL

9. Hopper parasitoids do not significantly benefit from non-crop habitats in rice production landscapes

Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment (2018), 254, 224-232.

Christina Sann, Panagiotis Theodorou, Kong Luen Heong, Sylvia Villareal, Josef Settele, Stefan Vidal, Catrin Westphal. Full text

2017 (4)


8. Replication of honey bee RNA viruses across multiple bee species in apple orchards of Georgia, Germany and Kyrgyzstan


Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (2017),146, 12-23

Rita Radzevičiūtė, Panagiotis Theodorou, Martin Husemann, George Japoshvili, Giorgi Kirkitadze, Aigul Zhusupbaeva, Robert Paxton Full text

7. Sweat bees on hot chillies: provision of pollination services by native bees in traditional slash-and-burn agriculture in the Yucatan Peninsula of tropical Mexico

Journal of Applied Ecology (2017), 54, 1814-1824.

Patricia Landaverde-González, J. Javier Quezada-Euán, Panagiotis Theodorou, Tomás E. Murray, Ricardo Ayala, José Humberto Moo-Valle, Martin Husemann, Rémy Vandame, and Robert J. Paxton Full text.

6. The structure of flower-visitor networks in relation to pollination across an agricultural to urban gradient

Functional Ecology (2017), 31, 838-847

Panagiotis Theodorou, Karoline Albig, Rita Radzevičiūtė, Josef Settele, Oliver Schweiger, Tomás E. Murray, Robert J. Paxton. Full text.

5. The population genetics of two orchid bees suggests high Ne, high dispersal, low diploid male production and only an effect of island isolation in lowering genetic diversity

Conservation Genetics (2017), 18, 607-619

Antonella Soro, J. Javier G. Quezada-Euan, Panagiotis Theodorou, Robin F. A. Moritz, Robert J. Paxton Full text.

2016 (1)

4. Pollination services enhanced with urbanisation despite increasing pollinator parasitism

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2016), 283, 20160561.

Panagiotis Theodorou, Rita Radzevičiūtė, Josef Settele, Oliver Schweiger, Tomás E. Murray, Robert J. Paxton. Full text.

2015 (1)

3. A sting in the spit: widespread cross-infection of multiple RNA viruses across wild and managed bees

Journal of Animal Ecology (2015), 84, 615-624

McMahon, D. P.; Fuerst, Matthias A.; Caspar, Jessica; Theodorou, Panagiotis; Brown, Mark J F; Paxton, Robert J. Full text. 

2013 (1)

2. Habitat complexity affects how young of the year Atlantic cod Gadus morhua perceive predation threat from older conspecifics

Journal of Fish Biology (2013), 82, 2141-2146

Theodorou, P. , Snorrason, S. S. and Ólafsdóttir, G. Á. Full text.

2012 (1)

1. Reaching the limit: constrained behavioural flexibility of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) at current costal temperatures

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology (2012), 413, 192-197

Theodorou, P. , Ólafsdóttir, G.Á. and Snorrason, S.S., Full text.



Linear mixed-effects models to control for the variability of microsatellite loci when comparing genetic diversity

Panagiotis Theodorou and Antonella Soro (2016). (Vignettes for Population Genetics in R

Baltz L. M., Osterman J., Benton F., Theodorou P., Mrozek J., Paxton R. (2020). Was summt und brummt in deutschen Apfelanlangen. Obstbau, 12, pp. 694-698.

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